
The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and the Los Angeles County Development Authority provide lead paint hazard remediation services to eligible homeowners, property owners, and tenants across LA County to eliminate lead paint hazards in your home, as well as other related home repairs.

10 Facts About Lead Free Homes LA

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All services are FREE. There are no costs for tenants, landlords, or homeowners.

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Our teams will remove all lead paint hazards from inside and outside your home.

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Immigration or citizenship status will never be asked and information will not be shared with immigration agencies.

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Any personal information collected will be kept confidential.

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Program staff who speak languages other than English are available throughout the entire process.

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Licensed and bonded professionals conduct lead paint testing and remediation procedures.

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Direct contact with your inspector is available for any questions.

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Repairs take only a couple of days to a couple of weeks (approximately 2 to 10 days), depending on size of your home and the amount of lead paint hazards found.

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A final inspection will be completed once repairs are done to review the quality of work and ensure repairs were done properly.

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Over time, we will serve different parts of the county. Sign up for the newsletter to receive program updates!


Learn more about preventing lead exposure and explore resources available to keep you and your family safe.

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